MIDI Lab 1.5, 2021-03-29
- New Events signal type for processing numerical values (there are now 3 distinct signal types: MIDI, audio and value events)
- New blocks added under "Core" category:
	* LUA Script (for audio & MIDI processing, building custom GUI panels and MIDI Lab automation using MIDI Lab LUA API)
	* Events: Abs, Accumulator, Add, Buffer, Clock, Constant, Divide, Expression, Geiger, Iterator, MIDI Trigger, Multiply,
	  Pack MIDI, Random, Read Variable, Readout, Script, Subtract, Trigger, Unpack MIDI, Write Variable
	* Universal: Audio->Value, Conditional Gate, Distributor, Fun1 (Abs, Neg, Ceil, Floor, Round, Truncate, Sqrt, Exp, Log,
	  Log10, Sin, Cos, Tan, P->F, F->P, Random), Fun2 (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulo, Power, Maximum, Minimum, 
	  Average, =, !=, >=, >, <=, <, AND, OR, XOR), Selector, Smoother
	* Panel (GUI): Button, Display, Grid, Knob, Meter, Slider, Time Display
	* DSP: ADSR, Noise, Wave Gen
	* MIDI Buffer
	* Aggregated MIDI input and output blocks
- Built-in assets with bitmap and vector graphics added to be used with the new panel elements for GUI (more to be added)
- Properties section added into the right-side panel to access various options of blocks and their GUIs (especially the new
  panel elements)
- Parameter index/value inputs and outputs have been added to every external (VST/AU) plugin block to allow parameters automation with value events
- Sample projects have been embedded (accessible from File->Sample projects menu) - more to come
- New functions added into ExprTk blocks: hexStrToValue (syn. hex), valueToStr (syn. toStr), strToValue (syn. fromStr), 
  channel (syn. ch)
- There are now 4 blocks for ExprTk scripting: MIDI Script, MIDI Expression, Script, Expression
- Added options in the menu for toggling visual ports activity on/off and displaying splash screen when the MIDI Lab app/plugin 
  starts/is loaded
- Hundreds of bug fixes

We are also working on:
- Publishing the manual
- iOS edition
- Assets manager (so that users can add their own assets to the project or MIDI Lab instance)
- Variables manager (allowing users to add custom variables of different scope to the environment)

MIDI Lab 1.4.5, 2020-08-29
- Plugin GUI window can be now easily attached as a tab into main MIDI Lab window
- Plugin GUI tab can be now easily switched into floating window
- Plugin GUI windows can be set on top ("pinned") individually
- Each plugin GUI window position, size, opened/close state and "on top" properties are now properly saved and restored - per 
  project and per preset
- Rescan button added into the Audio/MIDI devices window allows quickly refreshing MIDI devices without restarting MIDI Lab
- New "Custom" theme added that can be customised allowing individual colours to be set for different categories of MIDI Lab GUI 
  (MIDI Lab settings XML file edition required)
- MIDI Script syntax colours can be customised by the users (MIDI Lab settings XML file edition required)
- Plugin category column added into the Plugins/Blocks Manager window

MIDI Lab 1.4.4 (merged with partial 1.4.3), 2020-04-21
- MIDI Map extended to allow all MIDI channel messages types
- Audio/MIDI settings issue fixed (MIDI settings for plugin versions separated from standalone app)
- Multiple smaller fixes and refinements

MIDI Lab 1.4.3 (partial - for MacOS only), 2020-03-09
- New MIDI (N)RPN block added for easy RPN and NRPN handling
- Handling main app window size in maximised state fixed
- MIDI Map and MIDI Store/Recall state loading fixed
- Binary functions added to the ExprTk scripting engine: bitwise_or, bitwise_and, bitwise_xor, bitwise_not, bitwise_shiftl, 
  bitwise_shiftr, popcount, lzcount, tzcount
- Several ExprTk scripting engine fixes and improvements

MIDI Lab 1.4.2, 2020-02-10
- Panic button added sending Note Offs to all active MIDI outputs
- Template project file can be now defined that will be loaded next time MIDI Lab starts
- Velocity Amplifier - added toggles excluding Note Offs or messages with 0 velocity from being 'amplified'
- Fixed slow GUI performance on Retina (MacOS) displays
- Added AudioUnit MIDI FX plugin version
- Fixed window/panel being incorrectly resized and blocks positions being messed up when a project/preset was loaded or when 
  MIDI Lab plugin window was shown
- MIDI Script - added Basic I/O, File I/O and Vector Operations ExprTk packages and str variable for debugging
- Export/Import Macro buttons added to the left command bar
- GUI colours for better contrasts reworked

MIDI Lab 1.4.1, 2020-02-05
- Side panel with blocks/plugins has now search text field, categories filter and better look and descriptions for items
- Fixed issue where plugins requiring external licenser (eg. Syncrosoft eLicenser) couldn't be scanned on MacOS
- Grid added into the structure panel to help aligning blocks
- Parabolic wires
- Main panel for structure can be now bigger than the window (scrollbars will appear)
- Presets moved to side panel for better experience
- Window size and position is now stored within presets 
- 3 colour schemes available - cyan, grey and midnight
- Menu bar has been now included in the plugin versions
- Legacy VST version added to be used with older hosts
- Plugins scanner/manager has been improved
- Generic GUI performance improvements
- Fixes for several minor issues

MIDI Lab 1.4, 2020-01-06
- VST3 and AudioUnit plugin versions added for Win and MacOSX
- Blocks position locking option added
- MIDI Clock na now use master/host tempo/transport as an option
- Keyboard shortcuts revised
- Loading external plugins from menu bar fixed

MIDI Lab 1.3.2, 2019-12-30
- Several fixes for loading and displaying external plugins' GUIs
- SysEx support added for MIDI Script
- Transport and tempo features added
- MacOS Sierra support added

MIDI Lab 1.3.1, 2019-12-21
- Added x8 and x16 auto-audio mixers (both mono and stereo) - customisable audio mixers with faders are planned in the future
- Menu items and shortcuts for switching tabs fixed + added CTRL+RIGHT (next tab) and CTRL+LEFT (previous tab)
- Fixes to teleports (including the bug with teleport inside macro)
- All blocks and AU/VST plugins have now an option to show their parameters as editable controllers and programs/presets
- Min/Max value added for all "MIDI Controller" controllers (faders, knobs and momentary buttons)
- Import to/Export from file for macros - allows sharing substructures between projects

MIDI Lab 1.3, 2019-12-16
- Plugin/block GUIs can be also shown as separate window
- Plugin/block GUIs cab be rearranged freely on custom tabs
- GUIs move/resize operations are now properly reflected into main app window 
- Tabs can be renamed
- Tabs navigation shortcuts added
- Toggle button added to MIDI Controller block
- Minor fixes:
	* Maximise/minimise buttons now visible on Windows too

MIDI Lab 1.2, 2019-12-10
- Command bar (can be hidden) added
- Macros copy/cut/paste and undo/redo fixed
- ASIO, DirectSound and WASAPI support added (Windows only)
- Demo version made available for download (Windows and MacOS)

MIDI Lab 1.1, 2019-11-25
- GUI completely reworked
- Audio features added:
	* Audio In and Audio Out blocks
	* Basic audio processing blocks (e.g. mixers)
	* Audio cables
	* Audio to/from external plugins
- Macro blocks added allowing encapsulating and reusing substructures
- Copy/Cut/Paste commands added
- New MIDI processing blocks:
	* MIDI Patchbays 4x4 and 8x8
	* MIDI Store/Recall (CC,PC,SysEx)
	* Conditional gate
	* Switches 1->2 and 2->1
	* Teleports - remote send/receive
- MIDI Send message block can now be set to generate a message upon preset loading
- External plugins are now categorised by manufacturer
- Blocks and external plugins GUI now displayed in tabs
- Custom tabs can be created containing multiple block/plugins editors
- Blocks connections/cables can be now in different colours
- Undo/Redo has been corrected and extended to cover most of the apps actions

MIDI Lab 1.0.1, 2019-05-09
- Added 8-out versions of the MIDI Splitter and MIDI Merger blocks
- MIDI Zones: all MIDI channel messages (e.g. CC, PC) are now properly transformed and passed through, not only Note On/Off 
- MIDI Zones: settings are now properly recalled when UI is closed and reopened
- Minor fixes to how blocks are handled

MIDI Lab 1.0, 2019-04-01
- Initial release